(keitai-l) Re: A5301T specs? weight?

From: Ken Chang <kench_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 07/29/02
Message-ID: <F235ug0j3cAD2pJQk29000194b9@hotmail.com>
--- From: "Tom Motoyoshi Kalland" <tmk@infeline.org>
>i won't be back in japan for a few more months, so i can wait. the a5301t
>seems promising, but i've not been able to find any specification lists
>(only rumors). from pictures it looks a tad bulky to say at least. do you
>know how much it weights etc.?

only rumors we'll discuss here.

but I have no rumor on weight, the specs should be fixed now.
it's difficult to get the whole picture.  I used to do handset
software but we went to a DoCoMo shop to try for the first time
what we developed, and many features we heard only by rumors.

so, rumor of rumor:
- 260k TFT color (standard in catalogs)
- color sub-display (standard outside the mocks)
- Yamaha 32 FM + 8 PCM (one of ringtone standards)
- 350k CCD camera, still and motion pics (better than standard)
- SD card (standard Matsushita/Toshiba)
- Brew (standard Qualcomm)
- Mobile Rupo text input FEP (Toshiba wapuro since 20 years ago)
- weight 115 g (my guess)

for me, I'm most concerned about the LCD, brightness, contrast,
and response.  don't like the current C5001T's 4,096 color LCD
and the feel of keypad.  also I prefer ATOK - Justsystem is one
of the best of Japanese software houses.

A5301T passed regulator test on May 30th.  normally a mobile'll
arrive the market about 3 months after the certification.  so
should be sometime in September.



ps. on camera,
both Casio EXLIM and Sony U10 are hotter than the weather, but
what if you have an inbuilt 1.2 mln pixel camera on the mobile?
which network(s) you'll use to transfer the larger files?
(your hand is a wireless carrier to move data in memory cards)

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