(keitai-l) iappli and Java outside Japan

From: Arno Filbig <afilbig_at_esmertec.com>
Date: 08/06/02
Message-ID: <NMEPIGBGICADDJCPHGKCMEOACFAA.afilbig@esmertec.com>
Hi all,

does anybody know if there is a iappli market in Europe or the US...
(outside Japan)??

and how does this work with the Java applications

thx for your informations
rgds Arno


esmertec ag
Arno Alex. Filbig
Lagerstr. 14
CH-8600 Dübendorf


office phone:  +41 1 823 89 23
cell phone:    +41 794 177 207
office fax:    +41 1 823 89 99
Received on Tue Aug 6 20:51:25 2002