(keitai-l) Re: Keitai Serial Interface

From: Kyle Barrow <kyle_at_pukupi.com>
Date: 08/30/02
Message-ID: <B994D05A.132B%kyle@pukupi.com>
On 2002-08-29 18:37, "dc" <dc@gamelet.com> wrote:

> there are lots of apps for windoze but i think curt uses an OS with a
> mascot...

A quick inquiry to my local friendly keitai dealer confirms the software
they use is all Windows based and you should be able to buy the kit (cable
plus software) in any major computer shop.

There must be some open source floating around somewhere although I can't
help with a link.



Received on Fri Aug 30 01:40:15 2002