(keitai-l) soap for j2me

From: <handy_at_maltech.ne.jp>
Date: 12/11/02
Message-ID: <16811863125.20021211145248@maltech.ne.jp>
Hello keitai-l,

  I ve downloaded and try soap for j2me (author:Jason Pollard), and I
  have some comments:

  1. where is com.nttdocomo.io.* needed, coz I saw that all class
  needed is already supported by midp/cldc API (I use midp 1.0)

  2. I dont know about the other, but in me (using midp 1.0),
  HttpConnection doesnt have connect() method so that I commented out
  c.connect(); statement in postIt function (Call.java)

  in midp 1.0, the OutputStream out = c.openOutputStream(); (before
  writing envelope) statement can cause connection become in Connected

  3. I found a *runtime-error* (java.lang.NullPointerException) while executing
     c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
  statement in postIt funtion (Call.java), this statement is executed
  before c.connect(); that I commented out.

  can anyone help me, why static method (open) of
  javax.microedition.io.Connector throws that error?

Thanks in Advance

Best regards,
 handy                          http://alumni.if.itb.ac.id/member-view.cgi?ec=aebhybMbQk7R
Received on Wed Dec 11 08:03:33 2002