(keitai-l) Re: encoding

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 03/17/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0303170813590.15047-100000@lexx.infeline.org>

replying to my own posting here (still havent figured it out, but at least 
ive narrowed the problem): the input form works fine on both jsky and 
imode, as well as pc browsers...  while the form data gets encoded wrong 
when post'ed by ezweb resulting in garbage.

the problem child is: http://www.infeline.org/tmk/mobile/dictjapeng.jsp

thanks a lot in advance to whoever might have some good ideas on how to 
solve this. :)


> hi,
> got a question regarding encoding (we've all asked at least once i guess):
> 1. the stuff i enter in a text box on a web page gets sent properly when i 
> submit it from a pc browser, but i get garbage when i do it from my ezweb 
> phone (i use POST).
> what am i doing wrong?
> this is todays project: http://www.infeline.org/tmk/mobile/dictjapeng.jsp
> which works, except when submitting japanese text... if it returns nasty 
> errors its because im messing around.
> .tmk - clueless :(
Received on Mon Mar 17 09:19:05 2003