(keitai-l) Re: translator/dictionary

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 03/20/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0303200824200.24627-100000@lexx.infeline.org>
hi stuart,

just some hurry done jsp (java) code really. it simply make a list of 
articles on the mainichi front page. when u request an article it 
grabs the article page and parses off any unwated stuff (everything but 
the article itself) and then displays it in some keitai friendly manner. 
of course u cant go ahead and grab like this if you are going to make a 
commercial service. :)

all you need is a web server with cgi/php/jsp/asp/coldfusion/whatever u 
like, and an editor to write the code (actually i wrote it in pico over 
ssh in lack of anything more descent at the time).

not sure what more to tell unless u have some more specific questions, so 
please let me know if there is anything u wonder about and ill explain in 
more detail.


On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Stuart Woodward wrote:
> Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk@infeline.org> wrote:
> > not sure how interesting this is, but as ppl was more positive to my news 
> > thing than expected so here goes; 
> Tom, would you mind telling us a little about how you made your news
> service. i.e what is going on behind the scenes. I'm sure many people
> would like to make a small service like that but don't know how to get
> started. 
Received on Thu Mar 20 09:46:26 2003