(keitai-l) PHS Wristwatch...any takers?

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/02/03
Message-ID: <353580198.20030502192310@nooper.com>
In 5 days you are able to buy the Wristomo:


But I wonder...since you have to hold the phone on your
ear to place calls, what's the advantage? Looks more
like an advanced keitai strap to me. If you have a slim
neck, maybe you can even use it as a traditional keitai

Anybody here who thinks of buying one?

Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing:  http://nooper.co.jp
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Received on Fri May 2 13:24:58 2003