(keitai-l) Re: iAppli IMAP proxying service?

From: Gerhard Fasol <fasol_at_eurotechnology.com>
Date: 07/08/03
Message-ID: <3F0A5C98.6080507@eurotechnology.com>

Below is the entry from Merriam-Webster dictionary - Juergen....
The thesaurus you mention does not seem to be very good.


Juergen Specht wrote:
> Gerhard wrote:
>>We always have a number of spare keitais for experimentation and
>>tests in our company and we did some spam testing for one of our
>>customer projects.
>>The results are reproducible.
> No entry found for reproducible:
> http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=reproducible

One entry found for reproduce.
Main Entry: re·pro·duce
Pronunciation: "rE-pr&-'düs, -'dyüs
Function: verb
Date: 1611
transitive senses : to produce again: as a : to produce (new individuals of the 
same kind) by a sexual or asexual process b : to cause to exist again or anew 
<reproduce water from steam> c : to imitate closely <sound-effects can reproduce 
the sound of thunder> d : to present again e : to make a representation (as an 
image or copy) of <reproduce a face on canvas> f : to revive mentally : RECALL g 
: to translate (a recording) into sound
intransitive senses h : to undergo reproduction i : to produce offspring
- re·pro·duc·er noun
- re·pro·duc·ibil·i·ty /-"dü-s&-'bi-l&-tE, -"dyü-/ noun
- re·pro·duc·ible /-'dü-s&-b&l, -'dyü-/ adjective or noun
- re·pro·duc·ibly /-blE/ adverb


Gerhard Fasol, PhD                         Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
fasol_at_eurotechnology.com               http://www.eurotechnology.com/
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Received on Tue Jul 8 08:59:07 2003