(keitai-l) Re: Moblog Appli

From: Stephan Szarafinski <keitai_at_imodi.com>
Date: 07/23/03
All> please correct me if I'm wrong - could the 503 post different
content types? is the 505 unrestricted?

I don't know, but it can work with any type of post, binary or encoded.

>we're allowed up to 10240 bytes with the 505

Ah, so the blocks can be even bigger.

I was thinking that it isn't a big deal that you need a serverside
Do it like this:

-user downloads i-appli from someurl.jp
-i-appli is now restricted to communication with this url
-make an i-appli config menu in which you let the user enter ftp info or
whatever you need for info to put the image online on his or her log.
-let the i-apply split up the imagefile and send it to the someurl.jp via
-on the someurl.jp server, a receiving application combines the post and
stores the image
-let the serverside application send (via ftp or whatever) the image to the
location the user entered in his i-appli

As for sending multiple posts to a server and put multiple images in a html
For that you also need a receiving application on the server.
You can't just send a POST to a webserver and let is store it in a folder.
For that you need PUT, and PUT is usually disabled for security reasons...
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Received on Wed Jul 23 10:41:30 2003