(keitai-l) Reminder - NOTE UNUSUAL DAY --> TUESDAY - i.e. today NinJava at 7pm

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 07/29/03
Message-ID: <3F25C095.70808@yha.att.ne.jp>
********** N I N J A V A  *  M E E T I N G ***************

This month's NinJava meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th July, in 
the usual location of the 5th floor NetYear offices of Cerulean Tower, 
Shibuya. The main talk will start at 7pm. A map can be found at:


The meeting's agenda is as follows:

6:30pm - 7:00pm Networking (Refreshments provided by Vanten Open Source 
Solutions http://www.vanten.com)

7:00pm - 7:30pm "Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming" Main talk 
by Reto Grob of K Laboratory

7:30pm - 8:00pm Discussion

8:00pm - 9.00pm J2EE Pattern Workshop - Sam Joseph talks about the J2EE 
Component Architecture and the Facade Pattern

The talk abstracts and speaker biographies are as follows:

Main Talk Title: Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming

Main Talk Abstract:This talk gives a short and neutral introduction to AOP.

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new buzz-word  in the developer 
scene. AOP is a approach to cleanly modularize behaviours that are 
spread over a whole system, such as performance optimization or security 
constraints. As an example, it is difficult to design error handling 
such that it is encapsulated in one class. Rather, some similar code or 
references must occur repeatedly in multiple classes. AOP allows the 
developer to modularize all the error handling aspects into one module. 
This one module is then applied across the whole system. This 
modularization gives common benefits, such as reuse, consistency, clear 
encapsulation and easy maintenance.

The talk gives a short introduction to what aspect-oriented programming 
is, its history and current state. We will look at, AspectJ, a java 
implementation of AOP, and present a short demo. In addition we will 
present a further example, gWrapper, a 504->505 appli conversion 
service, demonstrating how aspect oriented programming can be applied to 
Keitai Java. Finally, the presentation concludes with a quick comparison 
to other techniques and products.

All attendees are encouraged to think about possible use cases during 
the presentation and bring them into the discussion.AOP: http://aosd.net/

AspectJ: http://www.aspectj.org

gWrapper: http://gwrapper.klab.org (Japanese only)

Main Talk Speaker Biography: Reto is Swiss and holds a Masters degree in 
Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ. He 
has worked in Switzerland, Finland and Silicon valley, and first came to 
Tokyo in 1999 to work for Hitachi's Research Lab on database integration 
and mobile computing. In November 2001 he moved to the Mobile Phone 
Software Company "K Laboratory" http://www.klab.org. He is also the 
creator of the keitai dictionary system i-dix,
J2EE Pattern Workshop: Component Architecture and the Facade Pattern

Workshop  Abstract:

A "Component Architecture" is a notion in object-oriented programming 
where "components" of a program are completely generic. Instead of 
having a specialized set of methods and fields they have generic methods 
through which the component can advertise the functionality it supports 
to the system into which it is loaded. This enables completely dynamic 
loading of objects. Sun's J2EE Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) is an 
example of a component architecture, and this workshop will try to 
summarise the main aspects of EJBs. Sun recommends the use of the Facade 
Pattern to handle the different types of interfaces exposed by EJB 
servers, depending on whether the clients accessing the interfaces are 
local or remote.  The workshop will consider why the Facade pattern is 
useful in this 
Speaker Biography:

Sam Joseph holds a Doctorate degree in Neural Networks from Edinburgh 
University. He first came to Tokyo in 1998 on a Toshiba Fellowship to 
work on Java Software Agents. In February 2000 he moved to 
ValueCommerce, and after the standard internet startup roller coaster, 
became an independent consultant. He started the NeuroGrid project (an 
open source P2P blogging plugin), which he continues to work at, and 
more recently he has been working on mobile Java applications for 
various companies, as well as research projects at Tokyo University.
Received on Tue Jul 29 03:37:53 2003