(keitai-l) Something to think about: Vodafone first quarter risults

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 08/02/03
Message-Id: <C4B64812-C4F3-11D7-B41A-003065BA6D3A@exsense.com>
To the Analysts Vodafone announced that they expects globally to=20
archive a
100% ARPU  increase in the next 8 years of which 50% coming from
non voice services.

As we can see the the recently announced results about Japan (The most
mature market yet):

ARPU is decreasing from =A5 90.302 in June 2002 to =A5 86.183 in June =

% of DATA services in ARPU is still just 20,9%  (In Germany is 16.7)

Is still do not understand how can they expect an average user spending
the double of what is spending today... And how can they capture more
and more revenue as the content providers will be always more important
in the value chain capture more percentage of traffic revenue.

We will see


giovanni bertani   mobile vas consultant and analyst
exsense verona italy=20
Received on Sat Aug 2 17:21:54 2003