(keitai-l) Re: nooper > valueclick

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 12/09/03
Message-ID: <3FD53224.1000903@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi Juergen,

I think this is interesting - although maybe keitai-l is not the right 
I think Nick is asking a valid question, and Juergen, you seem to be 
just making jokes out of what is a completely reasonable position.

I think that it is a concern to all users of services that compile 
information about their members. 
I think that Nooper having been acquired by ValueClick is a very 
interesting development, and I am surprised that you don't have a 
specific privacy policy.  That you don't want to re-assure Nick makes it 
seem like you don't want to have a privacy policy.  Which is very 


Juergen Specht wrote:

> > Perhaps someone from Value Click could point out the exact legal terms
>>under which data collected by Nooper will be covered? 
>I can introduce you to our legal department if you want.
>Not sure this is so interesting for the list, since we have
>no complaints of any Nooper users and you are not even a user
>and complain... (;_;)
Received on Tue Dec 9 04:26:06 2003