(keitai-l) vCard and Auto Dialing

From: Jason Fields <jason_at_air-port.com>
Date: 06/28/04
Message-Id: <31D63F8B-C939-11D8-93E3-000A95CD8BEA@air-port.com>
I am in the process of developing a site w/ the ability to download  
certain peoples address information and and auto dial phone  
information... I found some HTML online to auto dial ones phone  
number... the [ tel: ] snippet o code in the href link.... but i am  
still looking for a way to wrap the persons full name, address, email,  
etc info so that its downloadable from the click of button on ones  
phone. i was thinking i could use some sort of xml/xslt type of markup  
to wrap the information so that it is both displayed on the phone as a  
chtml/xhtml page, and also, when they lets say click on the link at the  
bottom of the entry that says 'save to address book' it recognizes the  
vCard and then downloads it?

any ideas ho to make this happen? i have looked at the vCard  
documentation and know that its just a matter of implementation... was  
curious if any of you had already done this and or if there were other  
sources online for me to look at code to get ideas...


Jason Fields		    	                        jason@air-port.com
Information Architecture / User Experience / Mobile Content

343 S. Burnside Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90036

+1.310.384.9396 t610				aim: fasonista
Received on Mon Jun 28 22:27:32 2004