(keitai-l) w21sa questions

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 08/30/04
Message-ID: <4132A0A6.7000205@infeline.org>

there are a couple of things that i can't seem to figure out with my 
w21sa - might be common to other sanyo phones - and i was hoping someone 
might know something:

1. mini-sd is great, BUT the phone refuses to read the files i put on it 
(apart from the dsc folder). so if i put an image or a video clip in one 
of its user folders it ignores it. seems like it makes some stupid index 
files, and unless the file is in the index it refuses to accept it. for 
images i can "move to mini-sd" and then just replace it, but i can't 
seem to be able to move video. any way i can put files onto the mini-sd 
and have the phone read it? mails are too limited size wise for music/video.

2. how to convert video to work on the phone? ive tried pvauthor without 
any luck (all video turns into horizontal noise lines and refuses to be 
played) and nokie multimedia player (will only do low resolution, and 
the phone only plays the first couple of seconds and i dont think i get 
any sound either). sure, i could buy quicktime pro, but it seems a bit 
over the top just to test this. :/

3. anywhere i can get usefull brew apps for it? kddi seems to sport only 
riddicilous fortune telling stuff and a few games. nothing 

in typical japanese-gadget fashion all the nifty hardware seem to be 
rendered completely useless thanks to over-engineered crap software and 
riddiclous content protection.

thanks for any suggestions/help.

Received on Mon Aug 30 06:34:33 2004