(keitai-l) Re: iPod killing mobile phones

From: Kristan D. Rivers <kristan.rivers_at_kayakinteractive.com>
Date: 10/19/04
Message-ID: <BD9B4215.2146%kristan.rivers@kayakinteractive.com>

  HTC in Taiwan manufacture the C500; in fact I believe they have
manufactured all the Orange SPVs to date.


On 19/10/04 12:03 am, "Ken Chang" <carigate@yahoo.com> wrote:

> does anyone know the manufacturer of Orange SPV C500?
> au/KDDI says "iPod phones" will be one of its main money makers as
> a natural extension to the chakuuta (ringsong) service.
> http://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/0410/13/news031.html (in jp)

[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]
Received on Tue Oct 19 16:14:18 2004