(keitai-l) Re: Handsets with full web browsers

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.jp>
Date: 12/27/05
Message-Id: <20051227173407.9EEB.ASIBORO@maltech.jp>
I am using A1000, which is basically the same as M1000. Regarding speed,
you need to consider the processor's speed of the handset. I saw reports
saying that W-ZER03 is very responsive compared to M1000. I guess W-ZERO3's Intel PXA270 416MHz
contributes to this. BTW, W-ZERO3 maximum theoretical speed is 128Kbps.

On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 17:09:25 +0900
"Michael\(tm\) Smith" <smith@xml-doc.org> wrote:

> I have viewed pages on that handset in excess of 450K. I do not
> know what the upper limit on it is, but I have never once gotten a
> "page size too big" or "out of memory" error message. And it's fast.
> (Though part of that comes from the fact that it's getting data on
> the Au CDMA 1X WIN network, at speeds up to 2.4 Mbs.)
> For Willcom, there's the W-ZER03:
>   http://www.willcom-inc.com/ja/lineup/ws/003sh/index.html
> That has the coolest animated presentation of all:
>   http://www.sharp.co.jp/ws/special/index.html
> Unfortunately, I think it also has the slowest data speed of all.
> It is a PHS networ, and I think the base data rate is just 32K.
> And (for some reason), I think it is not Bluetooth-enabled.

Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 
                                          --  Albert Einstein
Received on Tue Dec 27 10:40:40 2005