(keitai-l) Re: Mobile sites on the fly????

From: Arjen van Blokland <ab_at_tkk.att.ne.jp>
Date: 01/30/06
Message-ID: <43DD64AD.3060909@tkk.att.ne.jp>
UBIT' system does not only generate contents on the fly (transcoding) 
but also renders and optimizes complete mobile sites to each mobile 
device out on the market.

Most interesting is that no programming skills are required to set up 
mobile sites. The mobile sites can be set up within hours rather than 
weeks. Needless to say that it has got quite some traction from large 
mobile companies managing a large variety of mobile sites with a need to 
cut costs.

The original development of the system started back in 2000 for the 
Japanese market. Nowadays the system is used world-wide by large 
carriers and content providers. The system is also offered as a service.

Contact me off-line if you need more information or want to have a test 

Arjen van Blokland

Arnold P. Siboro wrote:
> Yes generating contents on the fly is quite common, here is another
> product I heard in the past:
> http://elixir.neu.co.jp/
> However, I think machine generated "translation" is never better than
> translation made by human expert. It is definitely cheaper than human
> expert though.
> On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 22:43:05 +0900
> Tim Smith <tim@freeverse.jp> wrote:
>> There are quite a few systems similar to this in Japan -- here's another 
>> one that immediately comes to mind... JigSaw. I know from experience it 
>> works quite well.
>> http://www.jigsaw.mu/
>> John Whelan wrote:
>>> Anybody know anything about a product from a Japanese company called UBIT?
>>> According to
>>> http://ubit.com/english/products/on_the_fly_site_generation.html it
>>> generates mobile sites on the fly?
>>> Strong words. Does it walk the walk?
>>> Thanks
>>> john
>>> --
>>> John Whelan
>>> Direct: +353 1 209 0787
>>> Mobile: +353 87 6838850
>>> Blog: http://www.offportal.com
>>> Meet Alatto at 3GSM 13-16 February 2006, Hall 1, Stand C56 and at CTIA, Las
>>> Vegas
>>> http://www.alatto.com
>>> Alatto Technologies Limited
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> Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
> Work is the greatest thing in the world, so save some for tomorrow.
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Received on Mon Jan 30 02:58:31 2006