(keitai-l) Re: NM850iG (Nokia 6630) far too late

From: test <asiboro_at_maltech.ne.jp>
Date: 02/23/06
Message-Id: <20060223170337.50EE.ASIBORO@maltech.ne.jp>
You may be right, but..
I have been driving Japanese cars most of the time, except for 1-2 years
when I drove a VW New Beetle. I should say that compared to Japanese
cars it feels very akward, unpleasant and it has quality problem (the
power window switch was broken two times in a year and the official
dealer said it's a common problem) just like when I started using a
V802SE, after many years of Japan-only handsets. If you say European and
Japanese mobiles do not operate the same way, then I can say the same
thing about European and Japanese cars. Even the switches etc are on
different places in European cars.

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:16:44 +0900
Kyle Barrow <kyle@pukupi.com> wrote:

> Cars don't make a good analogy here: indicator and wiper handles  
> aside, European and Japanese cars all basically operated the same way  
> which cannot be said for European and Japanese mobiles. I quite like  
> my 702NKII but when it's in the hands of my significant other, it  
> usually ends up being pitched across the room with accompanying  
> expletives.
> The 702NKII is also noticeably slower and I have more out of memory  
> issues than on my generic 6680 which I'm guessing is due to the  
> addition of the Japanese IME and Vodafone bits and bobs.
> More musings on this here:
> http://pukupi.com/blog/view.php?blog=198
> Kyle
> On Feb 23, 2006, at 14:11, Arnold P. Siboro wrote:
> > Yeah, and that 10% (if correct) is a significant number. You may  
> > not be
> > able to sell ice to the Eskimos, but Europeran products do sell here.
> >
> > The Nokia 6630/6680 is quite cool in fact. If only it is adjusted a
> > little bit more to Japanese taste and keitai culture.
> -- 
> mobile web gear | pukupi.com | 34ー40'n 135ー30'e
> This mail was sent to address asiboro@maltech.ne.jp
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test <asiboro@maltech.ne.jp>
Received on Thu Feb 23 10:21:10 2006