(keitai-l) Mobile Flash Spring Workshops - Los Angeles and San Francisco

From: Nader <keitai_at_omegamobile.com>
Date: 04/02/07
Message-Id: <p0624080bc23711336873@[]>

I will be running 2 Flash Design for Mobile Devices workshops this Spring:
- San Francisco: 2 days, Saturday, April 21st & 28th, 10am - 5pm
- Los Angeles: 2 days, Friday April 13th & Saturday April 14th, 9am - 5pm

All mobile Flash development will be covered while emphasis will be 
placed on Flash Lite
development for phones.

Please forward this announcement to  anyone who might be interested.

Details are below.

Nader Nejat // CEO
Omega Mobile // http://www.omegamobile.com
Accelerating profit through stunning mobile experiences
+1 415-596-6342 (+1 415-59-OMEGA)


Flash Design For Mobile Devices

San Francisco: 2 days, Saturday, April 21st & 28th, 10am - 5pm
Los Angeles: 2 days, Friday April 13th & Saturday April 14th, 9am - 5pm

Flash Design For Mobile Devices
In the era of rich mobile media development, your mobile
future is here. Now, learn how to create it in this hands-on workshop.
We'll give you all the information and practice you need to be on the
cutting edge of creating Flash content for PDAs, mobile phones and next
generation devices. We'll explore the mobile Flash landscape by looking
at working prototypes and actual applications that leverage the current
mobile Flash player technology.

Discussions are followed by exercises that show you exactly what you need
to know to produce your own mobile content. We emphasize creating great
mobile multimedia experiences for cell phones using Flash Lite.

In addition to exploring development opportunities available today, 
you'll learn:
* The capabilities and limitations of Flash for mobile development.
* Best practices for planning your mobile projects.
* How to efficiently convert Flash projects to mobile.
* The entire production process from planning to testing and 
debugging on the device.
* How to create engaging content and user experiences for small screens.
* How to maximize memory and processor performance of your applications.
* How to develop for multiple devices with minimal changes.
* To tap into resources to get you started quickly
* About handy third party utilities.

Who should take this class?
Anyone interested in developing rich media content for mobile devices
including: mobile developers interested in Flash as a potential delivery
platform and interface designers who want to use Flash for mobile design,
Flash developers who wish to leverage their skills for mobile development,
web designers who want to take advantage of the next big medium and anyone
interested in Flash's capabilities for mobile devices.

Hands on, 1 student per computer
Course #: MULT 9234
Schedule #: 27243
Section: Z01
Fee: $395.00

San Francisco State University Downtown Center
Multimedia Studies Program
SF State Downtown Campus, 835 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94105

For more information and to register:

Or, call: 415.405.7700

Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptop.
Price: $490
For a $50 discount, enter 'omega3'
Max Students: 24
Location: RMI - 525 Venezia Avenue, Venice, California 90291
For more information and to register, go to:
Received on Mon Apr 2 23:24:26 2007