(keitai-l) Re: EU and US Mobile Phone List LIke Keitai-L?

From: Andrea Trasatti <atrasatti_at_gmail.com>
Date: 10/03/07
Message-ID: <b10f6f2a0710030533k2948f1a6t8d60ccf838cafd94@mail.gmail.com>
You might also want to look for wmlprogramming and mobiledesign both
on YahooGroups and the forums of http://dev.mobi.

- Andrea

On 10/3/07, Helen Keegan - Beep <helen@beepmarketing.com> wrote:
> The Oxford Forum run by Ajit Jaokar - forum based rather than email, but
> lively.
> W2Forum - again, forum based, not email.
> MoMoLondon - email based plus live events
> Chinwag's wireless list - email based
> Too many blogs to mention really but smstextnews.com, technokitten.com (that
> one's mine!) and mobhappy.com are probably good places to start.
> There's a Swedish Beers Mobile Networking group on facebook for
> networking/events (which I run) and if you're on the geeky side of the
> business, there's also Mobile Geeks of London on facebook too and they've
> got a meet-up coming soon.

Andrea Trasatti
Personal Blog: http://blog.trasatti.it/
Received on Wed Oct 3 15:33:42 2007