(keitai-l) Re: Privacy concerns contra usability?

From: M. David <davidm1_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 08/21/00
Message-ID: <LAW2-F158U9jP6XudTs00005100@hotmail.com>
I saw a program last year (in Japan) where a housewife had the fax back 
system and found her husband drinking at an izakaya (bar-restaurant) with a 
couple of coworkers instead of being at home.

But if you turn off your phone, the system fails...


PS how did you know about the chinese restaurant meeting?

>Technologically it's simple to do for NTT and other big telecom
>companys, the only question is if they invest in big storage
>media to store all these information and what do they do
>with this? I know that a realtime system like this exists
>and I remember that DoCoMo offered since 1998(?) the Imadoku
>service, where everybody could access via request call the
>position of any DoCoMo User via Fax.
>The following is more a rumour, but I also heard that housewifes
>used this service very often if the husbands comes late...they
>found out that the husbands are all the time in the red light
>district. To avoid to need a lot of excuses later, husbands
>choosed one person who had to collect all phones and must sit
>in the Yamanote line for some hours to confuse the Imadoku
>system. (for non Tokyo residents: the Yamanote line goes
>in a big circle around Tokyo without having an end or start point,
>because it's a circle)

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Received on Mon Aug 21 17:43:01 2000