(keitai-l) Re: DoCoMo rates in the US

From: Markus Roskothen <markus_at_shoutinteractive.com>
Date: 03/22/01
Message-ID: <006d01c0b301$f261f8a0$0601a8c0@shoutinteractive.com>
> Does any of you have insight into what calling rates are considered
> in the US right now? I have read in numerous acticles that DoCoMo expects
> make similar revenue per user in the US as it is now in Japan. Next, these
> articles state amounts: $70 for voice services and $17 for i-mode.

From what I hear, the average i-mode phone is in the US $ 300 range?

I bought a very good (and very small) phone last December (Sprint PCS) for
about $ 110, I got 1500 minutes a month for about $ 25, wap access would
cost $ 10.
Considering the fact that I did not subscribe to wap (it's totally useless)
and use it only for phone calls, this is a good deal.
You could consider this as 'normal'.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Mar 22 20:51:27 2001