(keitai-l) IBM's wireless strategies: Mobile Connect, Pervasive Computing initiatives, and WebSphere's wireless components

From: Josh White <josh_at_blackbrick.com>
Date: 05/03/01
Message-ID: <NCBBKJAPCBCPOELPJJKBEEKFDCAA.josh@blackbrick.com>
I'm studying IBM's various strategies regarding mobile data devices, and
wondering if any of you keitai'ers have done the same.  For example, I'm
wondering about what client software is required to support IBM's Mobile
Connect and Pervasive Computing initiaves as well as their advanced WebSphere
abilities...and what cool new applications these initiaves might enable. I'm
also interested to hear IBM-customer opinions of the initiaves themselves.

Reply directly to josh@blackbrick.com if you've got views or thoughts on IBM
and mobile devices.  I'll compile & post a summary in a few days, upon
request. IBM, your direct input is very welcome!


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Received on Thu May 3 02:39:39 2001