(keitai-l) Re: IBM's wireless strategies: Mobile Connect, Pervasive Computing initiatives, and WebSphere's wireless components

From: Jay Bain <jay_at_cyberzen.com>
Date: 05/04/01
Message-id: <>
I would think that some of IBM's strategies will involve:

- creation of true multimodal applications, using voice and data within a 
single user session
- VoiceXML-based applications

It would be helpful to know how they're pushing these initiatives in Asia 
and Europe, that would be a great indicator of the early success of such 

At 04:50 PM 5/2/01 -0700, Josh White wrote:
>I'm studying IBM's various strategies regarding mobile data devices, and
>wondering if any of you keitai'ers have done the same.  For example, I'm
>wondering about what client software is required to support IBM's Mobile
>Connect and Pervasive Computing initiaves as well as their advanced WebSphere
>abilities...and what cool new applications these initiaves might enable. I'm
>also interested to hear IBM-customer opinions of the initiaves themselves.
>Reply directly to josh@blackbrick.com if you've got views or thoughts on IBM
>and mobile devices.  I'll compile & post a summary in a few days, upon
>request. IBM, your direct input is very welcome!
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Received on Fri May 4 01:28:24 2001