(keitai-l) Re: difficulties of becoming an official i-mode site

From: Funk Jeffry Lee <funk_at_rose.rokkodai.kobe-u.ac.jp>
Date: 05/08/01
Message-ID: <CNECKGBNODOFKCMPIDKEEEHDCJAA.funk@rose.rokkodai.kobe-u.ac.jp>
> Actually here you just discovered a very human characteristic...people
> love to complain and like to talk about the bad, bad DoCoMo who didn't
> discovered the full potential of THIS specific application and why it
> MUST be on the official site. So if they fail, they blame DoCoMo
> and love to talk about this to get their tears dryed.

Hi Juergen,

you are right that people like to complain but it is not just foreginers who
are complaining about docomo's (and foreign service provider's) content
selection process. the japanese and foreign presses are  filled with these
kinds of articles about how mobile service providers are controlling their
service menus. for example, see the jan or feb issue of nikkei
communications. at some level docomo and the foreign service providers  have
a right to control their service menus but at another level the internet is
too important for one firm to call the shots. I think that docomo should
start screening portals and search engines and not contents. let the portals
and search engines then screen the contents. docomo has better things to do
then check whether content provider's  are dotting their i's and crossing
their t's properly.

Jeff Funkj

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Received on Tue May 8 11:32:12 2001