(keitai-l) Re: Serial Cable internet access adapter

From: Henry Minsky <hqm_at_ai.mit.edu>
Date: 05/09/01
Message-Id: <>

I just came across this on the NTT web site catalog of DoCoMo DoPa data
service devices:


This page looks like they have some industrial
interfaces for the DoPa service.



At 04:30 PM 5/8/01 -0700, you wrote:

>I needs to figure out how to give my company's portable devices a
>connection to the internet through an i-mode phone.  I'm imagining a
>dongle cable from our product to the serial connector on the phone,
>and using DoCoMo packet mode (DoPa) to wrap our UDP packets and thus
>give our device a link to the internet.
>Is this is possible?  Can anyone recommend an information source,
>person, or company that could help me get this done?
>TIA, Deane
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[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed May 9 16:51:40 2001