(keitai-l) Re: J-Phone

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/23/01
Message-ID: <423449288.20010523204716@nooper.com>
> [...]
> years ago and the first to release handsets with 65,000-color TFT
> displays and integrated cameras.

and if you check their booth at the Business Show (runs until friday):

than you can read: "Java (TM) and 3D" as the headline over
their new keitai corner, so there are some great new keitai
features in the make.

A nice guy at the Sharp booth introduced a Java midlet (?)
they made for a J-Phone Sharp phone which will hit the market
next month, which is exactly 6,8kb big and is basically
a comic strip animation player. Was quite impressive. The
animations are between 20 and 50 seconds and also far
under 10kb each. But you need an inclination for "dancing
chocolate beans", "Hello Kitty yawns and closes her eyes" and
"comic girls who through roses at you" to really see this as
the reason to buy this specific phone.

Juergen Specht  [ Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc. ]  http://nooper.com
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Received on Wed May 23 14:38:04 2001