(keitai-l) Re: remote control....

From: Victor Pikula <victor_at_pikula.com>
Date: 05/23/01
Message-ID: <007701c0e382$392bcf80$b9c933d5@ensch1.ov.nl.home.com>
A company called Inprobe does something remotely similar:

"An infrared controller was connected to the server through a local area network to operate the VCR by infrared signals from the controller and receiving operating instructions for it from the phone. The signals are equivalent to those from its remote controller. The software can be used with electric appliances in which an infrared remote controller can be used, such as air conditioners and TV sets, in addition to VCRs."


You would get huge packet charges when replacing your remote control by your Keitai (if you are only remotely remote).  But it certainly is cool if your are down at Hachiko, waiting with your antenna up your nose, and suddenly you remember you wanted to tape the fifth rerun of "Namida No Kissu" (then, you are *truly* remote)


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed May 23 15:02:20 2001