(keitai-l) Re: SMS for ringing tones, screen savers and images

From: Victor Pikula <inbox_at_pikula.com>
Date: 05/31/01
Message-ID: <3B14B09D0000081F@mail.san.yahoo.com>
Jeff wrote:
"What is interesting is that the success of ringing
tones and possibly screen savers says that the success of these services
(which played such an important role in getting i-mode off the ground) is
not culturally specific to Japan. As you know a lot of the media keeps
saying this about ringing tones, screen savers, horoscopes, and games."

The main problem with getting the mobile net, or anything related, off the
ground in Europe is still Price. With a capital "P", since sending a SMS
still costs around Euro 0.10~0.20 a piece. But apart from SMS being expensive,
new fresh companies that deliver ringing tones and screensavers (for Nokia
mostly, indeed) make you pay about Euro 1.00 each time, by making you call
a fixed rate number. -- This is mainly due because SMS centers are necessary
for sending out the pictures/tones -- please correct me if I am wrong here.

Sure entertainment will work in Europe as well. But besides the technical
infrastructure (which Nokia delivered, though sadly on their own) we need
pricing that people can relate to.


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Received on Thu May 31 19:17:19 2001