(keitai-l) Foma and battery life

From: Victor Pikula <inbox_at_pikula.com>
Date: 05/31/01
Message-ID: <3B14B09D0000082F@mail.san.yahoo.com>
Part of CNN TV report:
"While in general consumers seemed pleased with their new handsets so far,
as expected, the upgraded functions strained battery life on some of the
first models to hit Tokyo's streets."


Can anyone report on this? Everyone anticipated on battery life being a
problem with 3G speeds, but I'd like to know how it worked out in practice
-- initially.

Any other observations perhaps?

Thanks in advance,

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu May 31 19:26:08 2001