(keitai-l) Re: AW: Re: Invitation to our 1st Mobile Economy & mobiliser IRC Chat Even

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 06/14/01
Message-ID: <1315944968.20010614092757@nooper.com>
> what should I say - your response is overwhelming ...;-)
> yes, you are right, I did not calculate the hour in Japan before
> setting up the date, sorry for that.
Thats a good thing that you don't know about the fact
that the earth is round and timezones exist...because I
can make a lot of money of knowing the German Lotto
numbers 7 hours before they do in Germany!
Anybody wants to buy this business plan?

> as it is the kick-off,
Kick-off like in: drive virtual channels, morph cross-platform
communities, enable dynamic infrastructures, reintermediate synergistic
metrics, exploit efficient communication-chains and e-enable turn-key

> we don't change time and date of this one.
But the place?

> everybody who chats for biz reasons might agree ...
You are so right. For example Sexy_Susan, who chats only
for business reasons (she makes 300US$ an hour) just loves
about everything about chat. She told me that the biggest
advantage is, that she don't have to touch her clients

> andrea, I invited more than 250 people
Do you know this tasty canned meat made by Hormel Foods
Corporation? Somehow the above sentence reminds me of
that...I can not help myself...maybe I am hungry?

> plus the email subscribers of
> mobiliser.org, naming single figures does not make sense.
> but I believe that there is interesting people from all areas.
We all should believe so much more! These are very much
un-religious times! Great, that you make a start!

> those that don't behave in the chat, will be kicked out,
> so I don't see the problem.
But this sounds so rude! And you just told us, that you
are a believer! Where is your threshold of good versus
bad behaviour? Will it look like this:

Bill_Gates: Wireless Windows II (TM) is the standard of the future!
Scott_Mc_Nealy: But I [SYSTEM: Scott_Mc_Nealy left the Chat channel]
Bill_Gates: Do you all agree?
DoCoMo: N [SYSTEM: DoCoMo left the Chat channel]
Sexy_Susan: I [SYSTEM: Sexy_Susan left the Chat channel]
Natasha: Is this censo [SYSTEM: Natasha left the Chat channel]
Bill_Gates: Great that you all agree!
Jansan: Yes, it's great Bill, wait, I have to reboot my

> anyway, if you guys don't stay up late to chat mobile economy stuff
> around the world, I can understand and will be happy to send you the logfile
> if you request it, such that you can judge for yourself if the idea
> rockz or suckz.
Thats a great idea, I am sure this list will be happy to
request and publish the logz!

Thanks a lot for all your efforts!


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Received on Thu Jun 14 03:18:29 2001