(keitai-l) Re: JAVA run-time appli question

From: Zev Blut <zev_at_atc.yamatake.co.jp>
Date: 06/15/01
Message-ID: <00ed01c0f572$f1a5ddb0$da1414ac@taishakurhq>
Yeah I hate how the KToolbar does that.  I just tried something interesting
If you go into the JAM editor and delete the APPClass and hit return (or
else it will
 not register I really hate that!) it will throw up a dialog saying you must
have an AppClass
set.  But if you run without an AppClass set from a new project it seems to
not even get past the
emulator's launcher.  So I wonder how it knows of the name of the class it
cannot find.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nik Frengle" <eseller@eimode.com>
To: <keitai-l@appelsiini.net>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 4:52 PM
Subject: (keitai-l) JAVA run-time appli question

> Sorry, Erik, if I am way off base, but I had a similar experience. The
> problem turned out to be in the .jam file.  Though you can compile it
> it won't execute unless the PackageURL, AppSize, AppName and AppClass, oh
> yeah, and LastModified properties are properly defined in the jam file.
> I am totally off base, excuse me.
> I have found that KToolbar and Forte are not so picky in the way it
> the .jam file when you create a new project, and there aren't any
> to put in the information at all, and it seemed like I was often ending up
> with .jam files that had the PackageURL, AppSize, AppName, but not the
> AppClass, which was producing exceptions like the one you had, even though
> it compiled fine.
> I am rather a beginner myself, so if you are an expert and it is some
> really arcane reason, once again sorry.
> -Nik

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Received on Fri Jun 15 11:02:26 2001