(keitai-l) Re: mail and imode fones etc

From: Paul Lester <paul_lester_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 10/28/02
Message-ID: <3DBCFED2.E37DA5F5@lincmedia.co.jp>
    Hi Joe;

        In addition to Gerhard's good advice.... Here's some other types
of common problems....

one problem I find is that
the email you think is the keitai mail address is not always the real address.
To check send an email from the phone to your computer.  That will always
give you the right address.  (That's the best way to find out).

    One of the reasons for this (and there are afew) is that the mail addresses
used to be always like 0904432324324@CARRIER but now you are
usually forced to choose a name where the phone number is to make
it harder for beginning spammers to spam you.

    (the number 0904432324324 is not a real phone number... Its just me hitting
my keyboard randomly with some extra digits)

    A second reason for the email confusion is that not all the types of
"email" on the phone use the internet.  Some of them are types and
variants of SMS-like-beasties that only go from handset to handset.
(But these ?usually? use just phone numbers and not email addresses)

    A third thing that the receiver needs to know (not the sender)
is that to get mail on your phone... the user must sometimes actually query the server...
and most phones have multiple types of mail clients on them so they
have to query the right server.... but this problem is rarer than just
having the incorrect email address.  (Especially since most "new" phones flash
an icon whenever the server had an email if it has not been downloaded yet).
This third part varies drastically from phone to phone.  On some phones it is
more of a problem and on others its less of a problem.

Gerhard Fasol wrote:

> joe thompson wrote:
> >
> > I have been given a few different email addresses of
> > different people with docomo, jfone etc email addresses
> > but when I send them mail from yahoo it seems to disappear
> > into a black hole. No bounce - no receive . nothing.
> >
> > Is there some way of pretending to be a keitai and send mail
> > from a standard mail client?
> >
> > Would there be any other reason the mail isnt getting through either??
> Joe, I just sent email from my yahoo address to my docomo address
> and it arrived within less than 1 second.
> Make sure you have the correct address: docomo addresses are of the
> type: xyz@docomo.ne.jp
> make sure you don't type xyz@docomo.co.jp or xyz@docomo.com - these
> are for docomo employees and other internal docomo use. For more info
> see: http://www.eurotechnology.com/imode/faq-email.html
> In the case of J-Phone sometimes email is not delivered and you'll
> get an error message a couple of days after you sent the message
> unsuccessfully.
> If you or your domain is on known anti-spam lists or you send huge
> quantities of emails, DoCoMo/Jphone/KDDI might block your emails.
> Gerhard
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerhard Fasol, PhD                         Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
>                                       http://www.eurotechnology.com/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Read about us in "IBM developerWorks":
> http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/wireless/library/wi-elite8.html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> This mail was sent to address paul.lester@lincmedia.co.jp
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Paul B. Lester
theta division
LincMEDIA Group:(Layer-8 Technologies Inc)
Chief Engineer
Programmer/Chakumelo engineer/DBA/QA etc
EMAIL: paul_lester@lincmedia.co.jp

personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Mon Oct 28 11:23:47 2002