(keitai-l) Re: RE : Mailtunes to Toshiba ts21i

From: Paul Lester <paul_lester_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 11/16/02
Message-ID: <3DD60434.3E71245B@lincmedia.co.jp>
Hi all;

    The big thing to watch out for (at least in Japan) if the size of the
ringtone is too big for the message (which is almost always the case in
Japan after its base 64 encoded), it will just display the base 64 code and
not play the tune back. (minus the part that exceeded the maximum
message length)  (The max in Japan is usually 50 or 500 bytes, not sure
which, and it is fine for a simple 4 voice ringtone but won't do anything
with a 16 voice ringtone).

    The easy solution is to have a hyper link to a ringtone on a server.

    I don't have the European specs in front of me, so I'll let you all
figure it out if its the same in Europe or not.

"Merlijn @ Evident" wrote:

> I know that all i-mode providers (BASE, KPN, DoCoMo, etc.)  remove
> attachments from i-mails.
> But I do not send it as an atachment. It's directly in the mail-body.
> this is how the mail-body looks for the Nec n21i.
> ####################
> --B:M
> ####################
> What follws is another 100+ lines with base64 enconded data.
> Green things,
> Merlijn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net
> [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net]On Behalf Of Manu
> Sent: vrijdag 15 november 2002 11:51
> To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
> Subject: (keitai-l) RE : Mailtunes to Toshiba ts21i
> Here at BASE sending ringtones by mail is blocked.. I don't know at KPN
> if they also blocked the imail server.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De=A0: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net
> [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net] De la part de Merlijn @ Evident
> Envoy=E9=A0: vendredi 15 novembre 2002 11:38
> =C0=A0: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
> Objet=A0: (keitai-l) Mailtunes to Toshiba ts21i
> I still have one problem. I succeeded in sending a tune to the Nec n21i
> phone
> by putting it as base64encoded data in the mail-body preceeded by  '
> --B:M '
> (dash dash B colon M )
> The same construction does not work with the Toshiba ts21i.
> Does anybody now how to include a midi file in a mail for the toshiba?
> Do I have to use a similar preceeding character combi?
> Is it possible at all?
> (How) is this feature supported in other phones?
> Greetings,
> Merlijn
> This mail was sent to address manu@freak404.com
> Need archives? How to unsubscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/=20
> This mail was sent to address vandermee@evident.nl
> Need archives? How to unsubscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/
> This mail was sent to address paul.lester@lincmedia.co.jp
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Paul B. Lester
theta division
LincMEDIA Group:(Layer-8 Technologies Inc)
Chief Engineer
Programmer/Chakumelo engineer/DBA/QA etc
EMAIL: paul_lester@lincmedia.co.jp

personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Sat Nov 16 10:54:53 2002