(keitai-l) WIN handsets Java with built-in limit on number of http request/10seconds ?

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 01/13/04
Message-Id: <200401130429.37789.mathieu@newtgames.com>
Hello all,
once again, a question on Java and AU.

While the speed is incredible of both the java chip and network requests which 
makes you feel this purely online app has all its needed data locally, to my 
dismay I've discovered one terribly annoying limitation:

if you make too much network requests (java on AU is HTTP only) the phone will 
block any request until something like 10 seconds has past. This is 
consistent for both the W11H and the W11K. Needless to say it almost cancels 
the benefits of WIN, except for the price.

Does any one of you had a similar experience with Java app making numerous 
requests on WIN ?

The rumor has it saying that the purpose of such built-in feature is to block 
the Java app developped by content provider which were automatically building 
up the number of hits on WAP content sites...

Any info on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Mathieu Castelli
Received on Tue Jan 13 05:35:33 2004