(keitai-l) Java details for Sharp's V601SH & J-SH53

From: Carlos Bazzarella <cbazza_at_poliplus.com>
Date: 01/15/04
Message-ID: <40070360.109EEB12@poliplus.com>
Hello list,

I would like to find out if the Jblend Java version
inside the Sharp V601SH & J-SH53 is MIDP 2.0 &
CLDC 1.1 compatible. I am aware of the great screen
and 256K java support but we need floating point
support for our non-networked apps.

Also where can we obtain an Jblend/Sharp SDK to test
our apps; if none is available, where could we obtain
developer devices for testing (possibly a loaner), or even
perharps we could inlist device owners from this list
for beta testing. Let me know if anybody is interested.

More info about our first app can be found at :


Received on Thu Jan 15 23:19:53 2004