(keitai-l) Re: Bringing phones home

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 01/23/04
Message-Id: <200401230857.30453.mathieu@newtgames.com>
Sorry to bother you all with this.

But as I wrote, I know I can do it with AU phone, we've been doing it for 2 
My worry is about DoCoMo about which Gerhard seemed to have reservations.

Can I upload content on DoCoMo phones through cable after unsubscribing them 
(leaving unprotected copyright wise is ok for me) ?
And for FOMA, if I have to give the SIM back, can I still startup the phones 
or is it like European phones when you can't start-up without it ?

Thank you,


PS David, I don't think i'll go to Imagina, as I'm going to GDC as you already 
Received on Fri Jan 23 09:57:14 2004