(keitai-l) DoCoMo 505i and Flash

From: Benedict Evans <ben_at_ben-evans.com>
Date: 02/02/04
Message-Id: <20040201231133.87F489F108@sara.dreamhost.com>
Having downloaded Macromedia's 'Flash for i-mode' guide, and given that Juha
Christensen has gone to macromedia, I'm curious as to whether there's been
much take-up of Flash lite, which is supported by the new 505i handsets? As
far as I can see, it has the advantage that of being quicker for authoring
content than Java (I would think) and it scales well to different screen
resolutions. Are people starting to create apps/games/screensavers/inline

Received on Mon Feb 2 01:16:25 2004