(keitai-l) Blog beta testing and contributions www.mobilestrategy.org

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 02/11/04
Message-Id: <4B568812-5CB0-11D8-BAE1-000A95DA29F0@exsense.com>
Hi to all
I am testing a new bog related to "big picture" strategic issues on the 
mobile market
collecting thoughts and articles related to this issue.

Still it does not want to be compared to any academic or professional 
research firm site.

Everything is still in a very early beta stage and also a more specific 
focus will be defined.

Please take a look and send me comments:


I am also looking to some contributors. :-)


giovanni bertani   mobile vas consultant
exsense  italy 
Received on Wed Feb 11 18:39:51 2004