(keitai-l) Re: Felica Movie Tickets

From: Manish Prabhune <applet_graphics_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 03/02/05
Message-ID: <20050302064212.51077.qmail@web54705.mail.yahoo.com>
The way i worked it on
f-mode(http://www.fmode.co.jp/) aparrel site was
something like below
[1] User charges his Edy compatible mobile 
[2] Goes to the merchant site for shopping
[3] if payment is edy then merchant site contacts
Bitwallet service provider
[4] Bitwallet sends in a mail with a link
[5] User clicks link and this starts the iappli 
[6] user completes payment process thru a few
[7] On completion the service provider sends in a
confirmation to merchant application. "Payment
received" process can then be executed at
merchants end
[8] Merchant side can send him the "thankyou

As against the credit card way of 2 levels of
single level stuff.

Manish Prabhune
BLOG: http://blog.livedoor.jp/gai_jin/

--- Nobuyuki Paul Aoki <aoki@bluetree.jp> wrote:

> Curt Sampson wrote:
> > Looks like Toho cinemas is now doing advance
> movie ticketing on
> > Felica-equipped keitai:
> > 
> >      http://www.tohocinemas.co.jp/vit/ic.html
> > 
> > Presumably the money to pay for the ticket
> comes from your Edy
> > application. Does anyone know for sure?
> Edy uses a separate Edy iAppli to subtract the
> money stored on your 
> keitai.  They may however offer an interface
> which this appli uses.  But 
> I would think that the edy part would be
> explained on this faq.
> > I'd like to accept Edy payments online, too.
> I wonder how one does it?
> You simply have to contact bitwallet at their
> website: http://www.edy.jp
> I have implemented it on the habbo hotel
> website at:
> http://habbohotel.jp
> They offer mobile edy (felica keitai) and cyber
> edy (edy cards with usb 
> pasoli) services to use.  There are of course,
> setup fees.
> paul
> -- 
> Nobuyuki Paul Aoki
> http://bluetree.jp
> "End of Line."
> This mail was sent to address
> applet_graphics@yahoo.com
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