(keitai-l) Re: Moblogging.

From: Alfie <alfie_at_moblog.co.uk>
Date: 03/09/05
Message-Id: <422efa419e3743.31920533@fastnet.co.uk>
we license portions of our site code on a copyright commons license (www.moblog.co.uk) if you are interested in an engine that allows multiple iterations of moblogs via a central box - contact me off list if you'd like to chat at all.


> Bellstream has launched a mobile blogging client, which I have used. It
> is quite cool ;)
> http://bellstream.com/blogia/pressrel.php?t=c&i=001
> http://bellstream.com/blogia/products.php
> best regards,
> Nina
> Jason Fields wrote:
> >Greetings,
> >I wanted to ask some questions to the list on Moblogging. I am doing
> >research on the best solutions for my Blog and phone combo, I have an
> >Vodafone 802se and am using Word Press 1.5 (Enhanced MetaWeb API). SO
> >far I have gathered information on BlogPlanet, Kablog, and MIDlog J2ME
> >apps for my phone... of the three the BlogPlanet solution is the only
> >one that supports image postings as well... Who all on the list is
> >involved in Moblogging? Also, what other apps do you know of and/or use
> >to do your own Moblogging? I am curious to know, as I was not able to
> >get the BlogPlanet image capture and posting to work on my phone, even
> >though it supports it all. (I just get a yellow screen when I go into
> >Camera mode in the J2ME app, I get a dialog that asks me if I want the
> >Java app to control the camera, and then when I say yes, it just
> >freezes.)
> >
> >Thanks in advance for your interest in this...
Received on Wed Mar 9 15:29:51 2005