(keitai-l) Re: SoftBank X01HT

From: Hugh Ashton <hugh_at_j-views.com>
Date: 11/08/06
Message-ID: <C1776AC5.1F7FD%hugh@j-views.com>
On 08/11/2006 0:05, "Stuart Woodward" <stuartcw@gmail.com> wrote:

> The SoftBank X01HT looks really nice. It is even wifi capable.
> http://mb.softbank.jp/mb/en/product/3g/x01ht/index.html
> What's the catch? :-)

It uses a Micro$oft operating system?
It's hacked so no third-party apps can be installed?
It won't sync with Macintoshes?

And as they say, it won't send MMS, so any non-SB messages have to go
through an ISP (packet charges)

Received on Wed Nov 8 04:07:26 2006