(keitai-l) Mozilla and W3C at Mobile Monday

From: Christopher Kobayashi <chriskk_at_gmail.com>
Date: 02/06/08
Message-ID: <cd896f680802060326p38d362b6o53d65cb208bf5823@mail.gmail.com>
NOTE: Reposting ... posted this same info previously under a different
subject, cause I fat fingered and sent it by accident.

I haven't been active on this list for a while, but just wanted to
mention that Gen Kanai from Mozilla Japan just posted information
regarding the next Mobile Monday. Michael(tm) Smith, who is also part
of this mailing list, is also presenting.  :-)


"Right now Mozilla has a browser on the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child)
laptop as well as the Nokia N810 tablet.

We'll be talking about what else we are working on (touchscreen
mobile browsers among others) and should have some demo units as well.

Please join us at MoMoTokyo if you're interested- this is sort of a
rare opportunity as Mozilla's mobile team is not based in Japan.

Mike Smith from the W3C will also be presenting on HTML5, which is cool."
Received on Wed Feb 6 13:26:12 2008