(keitai-l) iPhone Japan Reports (Chatterous)

From: Robert Sanzalone <Robert_at_Sanzalone.com>
Date: 07/09/08
Message-ID: <8d9c1eb20807090632k3c5560ccp997fb8d6406000d8@mail.gmail.com>
Hi everyone.
As the communication back and forth between Softbank stores, lineups and
other events take place over the next couple of days, it may not be in the
best interest of everyone in this group for posting to be here (especially
for those who are NOT part of the iPhone hype).

Therefore, as a suggestion, we have set up a live Chatterous group to
accommodate the chatter and reports which will be happening over the next
couple of days.

To join the live chat:

   1. Go to http://www.chatterous.com/landing/iphone-in-japan<http://www.chatterous.com/landing/iphone-in-japan,>
   2. Sign up for an account (yes, this part sucks).
   3. The password for the room is iphonelove
   4. Send in reports live through the web interface OR
   5. Send in reports by e-mail to iphone-in-japan@chatterous.com

All reports will be not only shared to others in the Chatterous group
wishing to receive them, but will also be immediately posted to the
http://www.iphoneinjapan.com website.

Thanks and look forward to hearing how things go for you!

Robert Sanzalone
Received on Wed Jul 9 16:32:16 2008