(keitai-l) Re: Privacy concerns contra usability?

From: M. David <davidm1_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 08/21/00
Message-ID: <LAW2-F139A3CeMUumko00005231@hotmail.com>

a friend told me that some agency was using this technology as a marketing 
tool. You register with the agency in exchange for some sort of payment, 
discount etc, and when you approach certain stores, you receive an email 
telling you how great the store is etc.

Although technologically possible, I didnt think it would go over very well, 
privacy wise.

Anyone else hear about this?

David M.

>Hi Folks,
>by reading this article about Position-Locating Systems Services
>for Mobile Phones:
>I wonder about not to hear any privacy concerns...the technology of
>mobile phones makes it very easy to trace a mobile phone at any
>location...by collecting these data and combining them ONLY to the
>time/date you can create a simple user location profile showing
>somebody (read: police, goverment, secret service and other
>paranoia/curiousity driven organizations) when do you go where.
>More collected information are more useful and even more
>combined information like requested sites (I-Mode/Web/others),
>called numbers or 'switch off times' makes this a powerful tool
>to look into someones behaviour.
>This is completly contrair to what a user gets for giving
>out these information: calls whereever he/she goes, mobile
>internet access everywhere, more services like 'show me
>a good restaurant near my position'.
>Is there possible any discussion about privacy versus usability
>in an japanese spoken forum? My soon to be finished lack of
>japanese makes it impossible for me to find these information

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