(keitai-l) WAA & Wap vs i-mode once again

From: Micah Jason Kotch <micah_at_falconswing.com>
Date: 11/08/00
Message-ID: <AKEAIODHIAKNEIMPJGMGMEGBDCAA.micah@falconswing.com>
Yesterday here in NYC, I attended a meeting of the Wireless Advertising
Association (WAA) which is dedicated to creating a new and useful ad
measurement matrix, among other things (opt-in policy, creative standards
for disparate platforms and devices, etc)  More info can be found @
www.wirelessadassociation.org  With regards to D2, what is happening today
in Japan? Are ketai-ads relevant? Are they actionable? Do they embrace LBT?
I'd be real interested in some feedback-

One interesting point I'll make with regards to the WAP/I-Mode subject:
I've heard that in a few years, this whole question will be irrelevant with
the emergence of XHTML- Anyone heard about a possible merger of
eastern/western protocols?  It would seem that if the technical hurdles
could be overcome, subscribers and service providers would benefit from
global roaming, and a unified standard for displaying mobile sites.  (From
my POV, I see convergence as highly unlikely; too many companies benefit
from flooding the marketplace with incompatible chipsets, devices, scripts,
service plans, etc.)  That being said, I only wish I could get my hands on a
color phone weighing less than 100g!  Actually, if Bush wins, it'll give me
an excuse to set up residence in the East or Scandinavia...

Micah Jason Kotch
VP, Business Development
Falcon's Wing Wireless, Inc.

26 Broadway, Suite 400
New York, New York 10004

"According to success do we gain a reputation for judgement"...Euripides

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Received on Wed Nov 8 19:46:54 2000