(keitai-l) Re: D2 communications

From: <Jan.Chipchase_at_nokia.com>
Date: 11/13/00
Message-ID: <6468108794D6D311AB850008C72B5EA4024A1C8C@toeis01nok>
> > location based advertising running in Tokyo ...
> > Has anyone any experience of this model of advertising?

> Duh. This is nothing new, since this has been done for ages with
> SMS-messages and web.

So what do users make of this. Do they like it, hate it? Does it work?

> > I imagine that with Bluetooth location based advertising 
> will be far easier
> > to implement.
> Okay - but now we have to discuss a bit what actually is 
> location based advertising is. What you described, is location based, but
not that
> exciting. 

If you mean from a technology point of view, I'd agree - it is not exciting,
and it uses no new cutting edge technology. 

If you mean from a user interaction point of view - I'm not sure whether it
is or is not exciting. If someone absorbs stimulus (an advert/competition)
from their immediate environment, and reacts to it, and it responds to them,
I think that is exciting (and it would be exciting whether it is paper based
or Bluetooth based). However, equally inputting stuff though your phone can
be a thoroughly unexciting experience.

> In my mind location based services -- including advertising -- is
> something that just happens according to subscribers own profiles and
> doesn't necessarily include any pull-actions from the 
> subscribers.

Sure, it doesn't necessarily involve user input. I'd hazard a guess and say
it is more successful if does engage the user in some way.  

> There is the beef.

Lots of beef.  ;)


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Received on Mon Nov 13 12:27:51 2000