(keitai-l) Re: Click Through

From: Wiberg, Annie <Annie.Wiberg_at_euroforum.net>
Date: 11/14/00
Message-ID: <807C3F305225D411BCD900A0C9AD10CF851D4A@EUROFORUM-NT1>

It's about time I actually contributed so for what it is worth, here are
some issues on location based services...

I'd just like to say that there is a lot more to Mobile Location Services
than getting a message when entering a mall. For starters there is
interactive television (a concept that is already being worked on in more
than ten countries and the "finsihed product" should hit the viewers this
spring), you can get information such as where is the nearest petrol
station, and that petrol station can then respond and offer you a discount
or a free car-wash or whatever. You can be reached by selected groups, e.g.
before six in the evening you can be reached by colleagues, and after six,
by your family. You can find your "lost" five-year old when at a mall or in
the park. The not so popular side-effects would be that your boss knows
where you are - just as well as your partner... Seriously though MLS can
help save lives through the E911, and I believe that this is something worth
looking at regardless of being in Japan, the US or Europe.
You can also find the information you want and need to navigate on the road,
or at sea. 
If you are a Japanese teenager, I', sure that you would love to have a way
of communicating to all your friends that you are at a specific place and
want to be contacted by all your friends in the area, perhaps to go to the
cinema or for a drink or whatever. I don't think it's an obverrated service
and it does have the potential of actually becoming a killer app.

Kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Sourav Kundu [mailto:souravk@mastek.co.jp]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 11:30 AM
To: Keitai Mailing List
Subject: (keitai-l) Click Through

Hi All,

I have been going through the recent discussions on location based
services and Ads on Keitai. In a meeting this afternoon, one of my
clients was mentioning that one of the great hurdles with NTT DoCoMo's
i-mode is that DoCoMo makes you return to their own page "I-mode Menu"
before you can "click through" to a page hyperlinked on another
page. This how they do (at least) for DoCoMo's "Official Sites".

It seems a bad way to control on how you surf on from one page to
another, by making you come back to their own page before you can
go to any other page from the one you are presently viewing !

Is this true ? If this is true, all Keitai Ad concepts on i-mode will
fail !

Any comments anyone ? Thanks.



Sourav Kundu (Dr. Engg.)          Senior Technical Consultant
Mastek Limited (Japan Branch),    Hamamatsucho MK Building 2F
1-4-12 Kaigan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0022 Japan (GMT +9 Hours)
Tel: +813 5777 2721 Fax: +813 5777 2722 Cell: +8190 2463 3809
souravk_at_mastek.co.jp   %-------------%  http://www.mastek.com

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Received on Tue Nov 14 12:47:34 2000