(keitai-l) Re: Digital Skin is IN! Already. Really. (was Re: Embedding URLs In The Physical Environment)

From: Thomas O'Dowd <tom_at_uwillsee.com>
Date: 11/22/00
Message-ID: <20001122100627.D31339@beast.uwillsee.com>
On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 12:44:26AM +0900, Michael Turner wrote:
> > But who gets to decide the URL for the barcode?....
> Maybe YOU do.  Now, tell us, what would YOU want
> to happen when you scanned it in?

All this info in objects would certainly make life easier for the
odd droid walking around town. "Ahh, so that is the difference between
an apple and a tennis ball".

Personally, I can't really imagine wanting to visit the makers "home
page" unless I need more technical information about the object or I
just don't know how to configure my phone not to follow some damn url.
I'd rather hit some price/location database and just get immediate info
on my screen about whether or not this was a good price for the
particular product and perhaps hit a recent magazine review, perhaps,
I'm buying a book, I'd have my phone configured so that scanning a book
would bring me to the Amazon review page. That's mostly what I do
now manually anyway.

Thomas O'Dowd                   Have you had your noop today?
tom_at_nooper.com                  http://www.nooper.com

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Received on Wed Nov 22 02:59:20 2000