(keitai-l) Re: Introduction

From: Lanka Ravikumar <lanka_at_sasken.com>
Date: 06/29/01
Message-ID: <3B3C1CF8.EACBA9BD@sasken.com>

Andrea Hoffmann wrote:
> Hi,
> > J-Phone and Au use different markup languages. i-Mode uses cHTML which
> > is just a subset of the normal HTML.
> i-mode uses "i-mode compatible HTML" which is *based* on CHTML but has been

Yes, I stand corrected. 

> > accessible from J-Phone, it should be in HDML/WML.
> That's wrong. J-phone/J-Sky uses MML (Mobile Markup Language) which is
> HTML-based like CHTML, which means that you can use CHTML as well as MML to
> create J-Sky content.

Hmm, I had different info. MML uses abbrieviated HTML tags in 
place of normal HTML tags, right? So, how can it render 


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Received on Fri Jun 29 09:03:11 2001